Оперативно-Техничка Агенција
OTA е самостоен, независен државен орган што обезбедува техничка поврзаност помеѓу операторите и oвластените органи за следење на комуникациите, во случаите кога со судска наредба е одобрено следење на комуникациите заради потребите на кривичните истраги.
By alfa4, 13 October, 2022
The Director of the Operational-Technical Agency (OTA), Mr. Zoran Angelovski, addressed an educational-debating meeting #EUROTOK, organized by EUROTHINK-Center for European Strategies in cooperation with the Geneva Center for Security Sector Management (DCAF).
By alfa4, 19 July, 2019
The Parliamentary Commission for Supervising the Implementation of the Communications Surveillance Measures by the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defense, chaired by MP Emil Dimitriev, conducted regular control in the premises of the Operational-Technical Agency Skopje.
By alfa4, 26 October, 2018
The Government has reached a decision to establish a Commission for Transferring the Technical Devices for Communications Surveillance and the Technical Documentation from the Security and Counterintelligence Office (UBK) onto the Operational-Technical Agency (OTA)